

bool randEquivalent(const Graph &g1, const Graph &g2, size_t numSamples = 100, double tol = 1e-4, size_t maxLength = 1000)

Compare two graphs by sampling paths and checking they have the same scores in both graphs.

  • g1 – A graph to be compared.

  • g2 – A graph to be compared.

  • numSamples – The number of samples to use. The more samples the more likely the result is accurate.

  • tol – The largest allowed absolute difference between the path score from each graph.

  • maxLength – The maximum length of sampled paths.

bool equal(const Graph &g1, const Graph &g2)

Checks if two graphs are exactly equal (not isomorphic).

bool isomorphic(const Graph &g1, const Graph &g2)

Checks if two graphs are isomorphic.

Note this function will be very very slow for large graphs.

Input and Output

using SymbolMap = std::unordered_map<int, std::string>

User defined map of integer to arc label strings for use with e.g.


void save(const std::string &fileName, const Graph &g)

Save a graph to a file in binary format.

void save(std::ostream &out, const Graph &g)

Save a graph to an output stream in binary format.

Graph load(const std::string &fileName)

Load a graph from a file in binary format.

Graph load(std::istream &in)

Load a graph from an input stream in binary format.

Graph load(std::istream &&in)

Load a graph from an input stream in binary format.

void saveTxt(const std::string &fileName, const Graph &g)

Save a graph to a file in txt format.

The first line will be a space separated list of the start nodes (Graph::start) and the second line will be a space separated list of accepting nodes (Graph::accept).The following lines contain the arcs in the format:

srcNode dstNode ilabel olabel weight

void saveTxt(std::ostream &out, const Graph &g)

Save a graph to an output stream in txt format.

Graph loadTxt(const std::string &fileName)

Load a graph from a file in txt format.

The expected format is the first two lines contain a list of space separated start and accept nodes respectively. The following lines should contain the arcs in the format:

srcNode dstNode ilabel [olabel=ilabel] [weight=0.0]
where [x=y] indicate optional values for x with a default value of y.

For example:

0 1 1
is a two node graph with an arc from start node 0 to accept node 1 with input and output label of 1,
0 1 1 2
is a two node graph with an arc from node 0 to node 1 with input label 1 and output label 2, and
0 1 1 2 3.0
is a two node graph with an arc from node 0 to node 1 with input label 1, output label 2, and a weight of 3.0.

The returned Graph will contain “maxNodeIdx” nodes where “maxNodeIdx” is the largest index of a node in the file regardless of if there are arcs for every node.

Graph loadTxt(std::istream &in)

Load a graph from an input stream in txt format.

Graph loadTxt(std::istream &&in)

Load a graph from an input stream in txt format.

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Graph &g)

overload << operator for working with std::cout on Graph

void draw(const Graph &g, const std::string &filename, const SymbolMap &isymbols = SymbolMap(), const SymbolMap &osymbols = SymbolMap())

Write a graph in the Graphviz DOT format to a file.

Arc labels are of the format ilabel/olabel:weight. If the output symbols are not specified then the olabel is omitted and arc labels are of the format ilabel:weight. If the input symbols are not specified then integer ids are used as the label.

Compile to pdf with:

dot -Tpdf graph.dot -o graph.pdf

  • g – The graph to draw

  • filename – The name of the file to write to (e.g. graph.dot).

  • isymbols – A map of integer ids to strings used for arc input labels

  • osymbols – A map of integer ids to strings used for arc output labels

void draw(const Graph &g, std::ostream &out, const SymbolMap &isymbols = SymbolMap(), const SymbolMap &osymbols = SymbolMap())

Write a graph in graphviz dot format to an output stream.

See gtn::draw.