
class Graph

A Graph class to perform automatic differentiation with weighted finite-state acceptors (WFSAs) and transducers (WFSTs).


Graph graph;
graph.addNode(true); // Add a start node
graph.addNode(); // Add an internal node
graph.addNode(false, true); // Add an accept node

// Add an arc from node 0 to 1 with ilabel 0, olabel 1 and weight 2.0
graph.addArc(0, 1, 0, 1, 2.0);

// Add an arc from node 1 to 2 with ilabel 1, olabel 2 and weight 1.0
graph.addArc(1, 2, 1, 2, 1.0);

// Compute the Viterbi score of the graph
auto score = viterbiScore(graph);

print(score); // Print the score graph to std out

backward(score); // Compute the gradient
graph.grad(); // Access the gradient
graph.zeroGrad(); // Clear the gradient

All operations are in the log or tropical semirings. The default score for an arc is 0 (e.g. the multiplicative identity) and the additive identity is -infinity. Path scores are accumulated with log-sum-exp or max operations and the score for a path is accumulated with addition.

Graph-level Methods

Graph(bool calcGrad = true)

Construct a Graph.


calcGrad – Whether or not to compute gradients with respect to this graph when calling gtn::backward.

int addNode(bool start = false, bool accept = false)

Adds a node to the graph.

  • start – Indicates if the node is a starting node.

  • accept – Indicates if the node is an accepting node.


The id of the node (used for e.g. adding arcs).

size_t addArc(size_t srcNode, size_t dstNode, int label)

Add a arc between two nodes.

This assumes the graph is an acceptor, the input label on the arc is the same as the output label.

  • srcNode – The id of the source node.

  • dstNode – The id of the destination node.

  • label – The arc label.


The id of the added arc.

size_t addArc(size_t srcNode, size_t dstNode, int ilabel, int olabel, float weight = 0.0)

Add a arc between two nodes.

  • srcNode – The id of the source node.

  • dstNode – The id of the destination node.

  • ilabel – The arc input label.

  • olabel – The arc output label.

  • weight – The arc weight.


The id of the added arc.

inline size_t numArcs() const

The number of arcs in the graph.

inline size_t numNodes() const

The number of nodes in the graph.

inline size_t numStart() const

The number of starting nodes in the graph.

inline size_t numAccept() const

The number of accepting nodes in the graph.

float item() const

Get the weight on a single arc graph.

static Graph deepCopy(const Graph &src)

A deep copy of a graph src which is not recorded in the autograd tape.

For a version which is recorded in the autograd tape see gtn::clone.

void arcSort(bool olabel = false)

Sort the arcs entering and exiting a node in increasing order by arc in label or out label if olabel == true.

This function is intended to be used prior to calls to intersect and compose to improve the efficiency of the algorithm.

inline void markArcSorted(bool olabel = false)

Mark a graph’s arcs as sorted.

If olabel == false then the graph will be marked as sorted by arc input labels, otherwise it will be marked as sorted by the arc output labels.

inline bool ilabelSorted() const

Check if the arcs entering and exiting every node are sorted by input label.

inline bool olabelSorted() const

Check if the arcs entering and exiting every node are sorted by output label.

inline float *weights()

Returns an array of weights from a graph.

The array will contain Graph::numArcs() elements.

inline const float *weights() const

A const version of Graph::weights.

void setWeights(const float *weights)

Set the arc weights on a graph.

The weights array must have Graph::numArcs() elements.

void labelsToArray(int *out, bool ilabel = true)

Extract an array of labels from a graph.

The array should have space for Graph::numArcs() elements.

  • out[out] A pointer to the buffer to populate with labels.

  • ilabel[in] Retreive ilabels if true, otherwise gets olabels.

std::vector<int> labelsToVector(bool ilabel = true)

Extract a std::vector of labels from the graph.

See Graph::labelsToArray.

Autograd Methods

void addGrad(std::vector<float> &&other)

Add a std::vector of gradients to the gradient graph weights without making a copy of other.

The Graph::addGrad methods are intended for use by the autograd. This overload is used with an rvalue or std::move to avoid an extra copy:


void addGrad(const std::vector<float> &other)

Add a std::vector of gradients to the gradient graph weights.

The Graph::addGrad methods are intended for use by the autograd.

void addGrad(const Graph &other)

Add a Graph of gradients to the gradient graph.

The Graph::addGrad methods are intended for use by the autograd.

inline bool calcGrad() const

Check if a graph requires a gradient.

inline bool isGradAvailable() const

Check if a graph’s gradient is computed.

Graph &grad()

Get the gradient graph.

const Graph &grad() const

A const version of Graph::grad.

void setCalcGrad(bool calcGrad)

Specify if the gradient for this graph should be computed.

void zeroGrad()

Clear the graph’s gradients.

std::uintptr_t id()

A unique identifier for a graph.

Intended for use by the autograd.

inline GradFunc gradFunc()

Get the gradient function of a graph.

Intended for use by the autograd.

inline void setGradFunc(GradFunc gradFunc)

Set the gradient function of a graph.

Intended for use by the autograd.

inline std::vector<Graph> &inputs() const

Get the vector of inputs used in the autograd computation graph.

Intended for use by the autograd.

void setInputs(std::vector<Graph> inputs)

Sets the vector of inputs used in the autograd computation graph.

Intended for use by the autograd.

inline Graph withoutWeights() const

Clear the weights on a graph if they are no longer needed.

Intended for use by the autograd.

Node Accessors

inline const std::vector<int> &start() const

Get the indices of the start nodes of the graph.

inline const std::vector<int> &accept() const

Get the indices of the accepting nodes of the graph.

inline bool isStart(size_t i) const

Check if the i-th node is a start node.

inline bool isAccept(size_t i) const

Check if the i-th node is an accepting node.

inline void makeAccept(size_t i)

Make the the i-th node an accepting node.

inline size_t numOut(size_t i) const

The number of outgoing arcs from the i-th node.

inline const std::vector<int> &out(size_t i) const

Get the indices of outgoing arcs from the i-th node.

inline int out(size_t i, size_t j) const

Get the index of the j-th outgoing arc from the i-th node.

inline size_t numIn(size_t i) const

The number of incoming arcs to the i-th node.

inline const std::vector<int> &in(size_t i) const

Get the indices of incoming arcs to the i-th node.

inline size_t in(size_t i, size_t j) const

Get the index of the j-th incoming arc to the i-th node.

Arc Accessors

inline int srcNode(size_t i) const

The destination node of the i-th arc.

inline int dstNode(size_t i) const

The source node of the i-th arc.

inline int label(size_t i) const

The label of the i-th arc (use this for acceptors).

inline int ilabel(size_t i) const

The input label of the i-th arc.

inline int olabel(size_t i) const

The output label of the i-th arc.

inline float weight(size_t i) const

The weight of the i-th arc.

inline void setWeight(size_t i, float weight)

Set the weight of the i-th arc.