Basic Usage


Start by constructing a gtn::Graph and adding nodes and arcs.

Graph graph;

// Add a start node

// Add an accept node
graph.addNode(false, true);

// Add an internal node

// Add an arc from node 0 to 2 with label 0
graph.addArc(0, 2, 0);

// Add an arc from node 0 to 2 with input label 1 and output label 1
graph.addArc(0, 2, 1, 1);

// Add an arc from node 2 to 1 with input label 0, output label 0 and weight 2
graph.addArc(2, 1, 0, 0, 2);

We can visualize the graph with draw().

simple fsa

By default a gtn::Graph requires a gradient. To disable gradient computation use the constructer parameter (e.g. Graph(false)) or the method Graph::setCalcGrad().

Nodes and arcs have unique integer ids in the graph. When you add a node or an arc you can capture the id as the return value. This can make adding arcs from node ids simpler in some cases.

Graph g;
auto n1 = g.addNode();
auto n2 = g.addNode();
auto a1 = g.addArc(n1, n2, 0, 1);

Input and Output

The GTN framework provides some convenience functions to visualize graphs. We can print them to stdout or write them to Graphviz’s .dot format with draw().

// print graph to stdout
std::cout << graph << std::endl;

// Draw the graph in dot format to file
draw(graph, "", {{0, "a"}, {1, "b"}, {2, "c"}});

Graph’s in .dot format can be compiled to different images formats. For example, to make a PDF image use

dot -Tpdf -o graph.pdf

We can save graphs in binary with save() or as a text file with saveTxt(). Similarly we can load graphs in binary format with load() or from a text file with loadTxt().

// save in binary format
save("myGraph.bin", graph);

// save in text format
saveTxt("myGraph.txt", graph);

// load in binary format
graph = load("myGraph.bin");

// load in text format
graph = loadTxt("myGraph.txt");

We can save and load graphs from input streams as well as files. The text format of the graph is described below.

std::stringstream in(
    // First line is space separated  start states
    // Second line is space separated accept states
    // The remaining lines are a list of arcs:
    // <source node> <dest node> <ilabel> [olabel] [weight]
    // where the olabel defaults to the ilabel if it is not specified
    // and the weight defaults to 0.0 if it is not specified.
    "0 2 0\n" // olabel = 0, weight = 0.0
    "0 2 1 1\n" // olabel = 1, weight = 0.0
    "2 1 0 0 2\n"); // olabel = 0, weight = 2.0

Graph other_graph = load(in);


There are several ways to compare two graphs in GTN. Use equal() to check for an exact match between two graphs. In this case nodes with the same id should have the same arcs. The function isomorphic() checks that the graph structures are the same regardless of the actual node ids. This can be expensive for large graphs.

WFSAs and WFSTs of different structure can be equivalent in the sense that they accept or transduce the same paths with the same scores. To check this condition, use randEquivalent(). The function randEquivalent() uses a Monte Carlo sampling strategy to assess the equivalence between two graphs and may incorrectly assume the graphs are equivalent if not enough samples are used.

Example Graphs

Graphs in GTN can have multiple start and accept nodes. Start nodes have bold circles and accepting nodes are denoted by concentric circles in the figure below.

multi start and accept

Graphs can also have cycles, though not every function supports cyclic graphs.

cyclic fsa

GTN also allows \(\epsilon\) transitions in graphs. Use epsilon to add \(\epsilon\) labels for arcs.

epsilon fsa