Common Functions

GTN supports a range of functions on WFSAs and WFSTs from the simple rational functions like concatenation to the powerful composition operation. Unless explicitly noted, every function in GTN is differentiable with respect to its inputs.


Use union_() to compute the union of a std::vector of graphs.

The union of two graphs \(\mathcal{A}_1 + \mathcal{A}_2\) accepts any sequence accepted by either input graph.


The g1 recognizes \(aba^*\).


The g2 recognizes \(ba\).


The graph g3 recognizes \(ac\).


The union graph, union_({g1, g2, g3}), recognizes any of \(aba^*\), \(ba\), or \(ac\).


Use concat() to compute the concatenation of two graphs or a std::vector of graphs.

The concatenation of two graphs, \(\mathcal{A}_1\mathcal{A}_2\) accepts any path \({\bf p}{\bf r}\) such that \({\bf p}\) is accepted by \(\mathcal{A}_1\) and \({\bf r}\) is accepted by \(\mathcal{A}_2\).


The graph g1 recognizes \(ba\).


The graph g2 recognizes \(ac\).


The concatenated graph, concat(g1, g2), recognizes \(baac\).


Use closure() to compute the Kleene closure of a graph.

The Kleene closure, \(\mathcal{A}^*\), accepts any sequence accepted by the original graph repeated 0 or more times (0 repeats is the empty sequence, \(\epsilon\).).


The graph g recognizes \(aba\).


The closed graph, closure(g), recognizes \(\{aba\}^*\).


Use intersect() to compute the intersection of two acceptors.

The intersection, \(\mathcal{A}_1 \circ \mathcal{A}_2\) accepts any path which is accepted by both input graphs. The score for a path in the intersected graph is the sum of the scores of the path from each input graph.


Graph g1.


Graph g2.


The intersected graph, intersect(g1, g2).


Use compose() to compute the composition of two transducers.

The composition, \(\mathcal{T}_1 \circ \mathcal{T}_2\) transduces \({\bf p} \rightarrow {\bf u}\) if the first input transduces \({\bf p} \rightarrow {\bf r}\) and the second graph transduces \({\bf r} \rightarrow {\bf u}\). As in intersection, the score of the transduction in the composed graph is the sum of the scores of the transduction from each input graph.


Graph g1.


Graph g2.


The composed graph, compose(g1, g2).

Forward Score

Use forwardScore() to compute the forward score of a graph.

The forward algorithm computes the log-sum-exp of the scores of all accepting paths in a graph. The graph must not have any cycles. Use Graph::item() on the output of forwardScore() to access the score.


The forward score is given by forwardScore(g).

In the above example the graph has three paths:

  • \(0 \rightarrow 1 \rightarrow 2 \rightarrow 3\) with a score of 4.6

  • \(0 \rightarrow 2 \rightarrow 3\) with a score of 5.3

  • \(1 \rightarrow 2 \rightarrow 3\) with a score of 3.5

The resulting forward score is \(\log(e^{4.6} + e^{5.3} + e^{3.5}) = 5.81\).

Viterbi Score

Use viterbiScore() to compute the Viterbi score of a graph.

The Viterbi algorithm gives the max of the scores of all accepting paths in a graph. The graph must not have any cycles. Use Graph::item() on the output of viterbiScore() to access the score.

The Viterbi score of the figure in the section Forward Score is 5.3, the highest score over all paths.

Viterbi Path

Use viterbiPath() to compute the Viterbi path of a graph.

The Viterbi algorithm gives the highest scoring path of all accepting paths in a graph. The graph must not have any cycles. The output of viterbiPath() is a chain graph representing the highest scoring path.


The Viterbi path of the graph in section Forward Score, computed using viterbiPath(g).