Interfacing with PyTorch

Adding a GTN function or layer to PyTorch is just like adding any custom extension to PyTorch. For the details, take a look at an example which constructs a custom loss function in PyTorch with GTN. We’ll go over the example here at a high-level with attention to the bits specific to GTN.

First declare the class which should inherit from torch.autograd.Function.

class GTNLossFunction(torch.autograd.Function):
    A minimal example of adding a custom loss function built with GTN graphs to

    The example is a sequence criterion which computes a loss between a
    frame-level input and a token-level target. The tokens in the target can
    align to one or more frames in the input.

The GTNLossFunction requires static forward and a backward methods. The forward method, with some additional comments, is copied below:

def forward(ctx, inputs, targets):
    B, T, C = inputs.shape
    losses = [None] * B
    emissions_graphs = [None] * B

    # Move data to the host as GTN operations run on the CPU:
    device = inputs.device
    inputs = inputs.cpu()
    targets = targets.cpu()

    # Compute the loss for the b-th example:
    def forward_single(b):
        emissions = gtn.linear_graph(T, C, inputs.requires_grad)
        # *NB* A reference to the `data` should be held explicitly when
        # using `data_ptr()` otherwise the memory may be claimed before the
        # weights are set. For example, the following is undefined and will
        # likely cause serious issues:
        #   `emissions.set_weights(inputs[b].contiguous().data_ptr())`
        data = inputs[b].contiguous()

        target = GTNLossFunction.make_target_graph(targets[b])

        # Score the target:
        target_score = gtn.forward_score(gtn.intersect(target, emissions))

        # Normalization term:
        norm = gtn.forward_score(emissions)

        # Compute the loss:
        loss = gtn.subtract(norm, target_score)

        # We need the save the `loss` graph to call `gtn.backward` and we
        # need the `emissions` graph to access the gradients:
        losses[b] = loss
        emissions_graphs[b] = emissions

    # Compute the loss in parallel over the batch:
    gtn.parallel_for(forward_single, range(B))

    # Save some graphs and other data for backward:
    ctx.auxiliary_data = (losses, emissions_graphs, inputs.shape)

    # Put losses back in a torch tensor and move them  back to the device:
    return torch.tensor([l.item() for l in losses]).to(device)

To perform the backward computation, we save losses, a list which holds the individual graphs storing the loss for each example. We also save the emissions_graphs so that we can access the gradients in order to construct the full gradient with respect to the input tensor.

GTN provides parallel_for() to run computations in parallel. We us it here to parallelize the forward computation and backward computations over examples in the batch. Using parallel_for() requires some care. For example notice the lines:

losses = [None] * B
emissions_graphs = [None] * B

These lists must be preconstructed so that threads can insert into the list rather than constructively appending to it, which could cause a race condition during the execution of forward_single.

The backward method is very simple. It just calls backward() on each loss graph and accumulating the gradients into a torch.Tensor.

def backward(ctx, grad_output):
    losses, emissions_graphs, in_shape = ctx.auxiliary_data
    B, T, C = in_shape
    input_grad = torch.empty((B, T, C))

    # Compute the gradients for each example:
    def backward_single(b):
        emissions = emissions_graphs[b]
        grad = emissions.grad().weights_to_numpy()
        input_grad[b] = torch.from_numpy(grad).view(1, T, C)

    # Compute gradients in parallel over the batch:
    gtn.parallel_for(backward_single, range(B))

    return grad_output.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1) *, None